Jolly Icons Free Font

Jolly Icons Free Font includes 36 hand-drawn icons in icon font format. You’ll get TTF, WOFF, SVG (for legacy browsers) and EOT font formats, @font-face in a CSS stylesheet with font classes — ready to be used on a web page, a demo HTML file with all font glyphs and mappings. There is also a separate vector source SVG file for each icon for custom font rendering. SVG icons are optimized and can be used on a page on their own. There’s an SVG defs file with IDs for each symbol for referencing.

Seamlessly add icons to web layouts and style each icon with CSS, saving time from generating sprites or editing the images. Get Jolly Icons Free Font and give it a try!
Free hand-drawn icons are available in AI, EPS, PSD, PDF, and PNG formats and in 4 sizes: 32×32, 48×48, 64×64, 128×128. They are released under the Creative Commons Attribution license which means that you can use them for both personal and commercial projects – however, you must attribute them.

Jolly Icons Ultimate

Jolly Icons Ultimate – all file formats available in one set!
You’ll get 400 hand-drawn icons in all 8 file formats released so far, including vector source files, raster images in four sizes, icon font files, and vector files for custom font rendering. The download includes PNG in four sizes, PSD, AI, EPS, SVG, TTF, WOFF, EOT, and a CSS file for each of the four parts of Jolly Icons font.
More hand-drawn icons